District Committees

District Committees


Chairperson: Dillon M.
For more information, click here.


  1. Recruiting committee members from the district’s A.A. groups and obtaining the services of an alternate Chairperson. 
  2. Holding regular Committee meetings at monthly intervals, or as needed. 
  3. Regularly attending the monthly District business meetings to report on Committee business and activities. 
  4. Acquire and place a copy of all relevant materials from district meetings into the archives. Communicate that 2 copies for the secretary and 2 for archives should be provided at meetings. 
  5. Attend two area quarterly meetings to share experience with other districts in this service area. 
  6. Coordinate with other district archivists and with the Area Archivist. 
  7. Following the guidelines as outlines in the G.S.O. Archives Workbook (M-44), Guidelines (M-17), G.S.O.  literature on digitizing archives, preservation guidelines, and aa.org archives section. 


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Cooperation with the Professional Community (C.P.C.)

Chairperson: Jerry R.
For more information, click here.

The CPC Committee informs professionals and future professionals about A.A. -what we are, where we are, what we can do, and what we cannot do. They attempt to establish better communication between A.A.s and professionals, and to find simple, effective ways of cooperating without affiliating. See, also, page S46 of the Service Manual. 



1. Recruiting committee members from the district’s A.A. groups and obtaining the services of an alternate Chairperson. 

2. Holding regular Committee meetings at monthly intervals, or as needed. 

3. Regularly attending the monthly District business meetings to report on Committee business and activities. 

4. Attend four area quarterly meetings to share experience with other districts in this service area.

5. Following the guidelines as outlined in the Cooperation with the Professional Community Workbook from G.S.O. 

6. Coordinating efforts to provide information to the professional community, and to those who have contact with alcoholics through their profession, regarding where we are, what we are, what we can do, and what we cannot do. 

7. Seeks new ways of carrying the message and sets an example of leadership for the group CPC representatives (committee members).

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Chairperson: Carter L.
For more information, click here.

The primary purpose of the District Corrections Chair is to facilitate taking A.A. meetings into the various district correctional and rehabilitation facilities as well as raising awareness of the Corrections Correspondence Service (C.C.S.) among "inside" and "outside" A.A. members, and helping inmates transition to a local A.A. Community through pre-release contacts are just some of the activities corrections committees support.  See also, page 45 of the A.A. Service Manual.


  1. Recruiting volunteers that will take meetings into the facilities and making applications available to members who are interested in volunteering; recruiting other Committee members as needed from the A.A. groups of the district and appointing an alternate chairperson.
  2. Holding and chairing monthly Corrections Committee meetings.
  3. Attending each District 5 business meetings (or sending an alternate) and presenting a report to that body about current Corrections Committee business, needs, and budget report.
  4. Attend Area 35 Corrections Committee quarterly meetings and gave a report. Take notes on the quarterly meeting and presents the information back to the district.
  5. Educate the fellowship about opportunities to Carry the Message into the correctional and rehabilitation facilities.
  6. Educate the fellowship about Bridge Program, Correspondence Program, and Bridging the Gap.
  7. Encourage the Corrections Committee to put on workshops to educate members of the home groups in the district.
  8. Be available to speak to home groups about Corrections.
  9. When necessary, work with Correctional Facility Coordinators to resolve any issues at their facilities.

See Below, this is from the A.A. Service Manual Page 45

  • Support A.A. members in Carrying the Message to alcoholics behind the walls. 
  • Review all aspects of service to A.A. groups in correctional facilities.
  • Make recommendations for any needed updates to corrections materials.
  • Clarify what A.A. can and cannot do, within the Traditions, to help alcoholics both while in custody and upon release.



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Grapevine / Literature

Chairperson: Brad L
For more information, click here.

To maintain and manage Grapevine and AA Conference approved literature for availability to the groups and members of District 5. See, also, page S46 of the Service Manual. 


  1. Maintaining an adequate literature inventory, to include Conference approved books, pamphlets, service manuals, etc. 
  2. Organizing and holding regular monthly Grapevine and Literature Committee meetings. 
  3. Takes literature orders and disperses literature to home groups, committees and individual members of the district. 
  4. Making Grapevine subscriptions available to the District fellowship. 
  5. Regularly attending all monthly District business meetings and providing a Committee report at that time. 
  6. Accurately managing the Literature Budget. 
  7. Attends Area 35 Literature Committee meetings. 
  8. Being available to set up displays and sell literature at District functions. 
  9. Educating the District members on different literature available. 
  10. Being available to attend District home groups and speak about our available literature.
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Public Information (P.I.)

Chairperson: Jerry R.
For more information, click here.

Carrying the message of recovery by informing the general public about the Alcoholics Anonymous program by getting in touch with the media, schools, industry, and other organizations to report on the nature and purpose of A.A. and what it can do for alcoholics. See, also, page S46 of the Service Manual. 


  1. Recruiting committee members as needed from the A.A. groups of the district and appointing an alternate chairperson. 
  2. Organizing and holding regular monthly P.I. committee meetings. 
  3. Regularly attending the monthly District business meetings to report on Committee business and activities. 
  4. Placing literature racks in high schools, libraries, police stations, hospitals, colleges, etc. 
  5. List open meetings in the newspapers. 
  6. Place PSA’s (public service announcements) on the radio 
  7. Put meeting schedules at hotels/motels 
  8. Attend the Area 35 quarterly Public Information meetings 
  9. Participate in District and Area seminars and conventions 
  10. Work with local TV, newspapers, and radio to practice the traditions of anonymity 
  11. Let the Fellowship know how to reach the hearing impaired 
  12. Make presentations in the community 
  13. Hold workshops to better inform the district Fellowship about Public Information issues. 
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Treatment Facilities

Chairperson: Deanna L.
For more information, click here.

Carrying the message of recovery by bringing A.A. panel meeting (Bridging The Gap) into our District treatment facilities. In addition, demonstrate to the administrators and staff of those treatment facilities “how it works” and provide information about A.A. To offer informational programs for professional staff at inpatient and outpatient facilities in the district as needed/requested. See, also, page S46 of the Service Manual. 


  1. Recruiting committee members as needed from the A.A. groups of the district and appointing an alternate chairperson. 
  2. Organizing and holding regular monthly Treatment Facilities committee meetings. 3. Regularly attending the monthly District business meetings to report on Committee business and activities. 
  3. Create and maintain a Bridge the Gap program, including making Bridge the Gap presentations within the facilities at appropriate intervals. 
  4. Put on informational programs for the professional staff at the facilities, both inpatient and outpatient.  Invite professionals to AA workshops on treatment facilities. 
  5. Put on workshops to better inform the Fellowship about various aspects of carrying the message inside treatment facilities. 
  6. Being familiar with the Treatment Facilities Workbook and related materials. 
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Web Site Committee

Chairperson: Mark R.
(320) 266-4831

This committee is responsible for keeping meetings, events, chairpersons, and other district information up to date on our website.

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